You were made for a life more abundant, filled with joy and hope. Let’s step into it, together.
You were made for more. Made for a specific purpose, you’re called to be the best version of yourself, and live a life worth living.
Yet, your life and your days seem far from that. You’re confused, stuck, directionless, and seeking more. You want to move forward with a fiery passion, with clarity, focus, and direction.
Would you allow me to serve you?
Hi, I’m Kate.
I dream of being a light of hope and living truth, and to reflect His love to the world.
Hope & healing are the core of what I do.
My calling is to share my story of healing and help others do the same. I’m here to support others in building self-love, self-acceptance and self-identity. I dare to go into the dark, scary, deep places, and shine a light of hope into it.
I’ve healed from bullying, depression, suicide, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, being a partner of an addict, and eating disorders. It is possible.
I am living proof that restarting in possible, renewal is possible, healing is possible. There is a hope & a future.
You’re fearfully and wonderfully made, with a unique purpose.
I healed from feeling like an outcast and unloved; I now have tools to overcome fear, shame and unworthiness; I rose from the ashes like a phoenix.. and you can to.
You have a destiny and plan over your life, filled with desires and dreams unique only to you. Your days are meant to be magical and joyous. No striving, only peace, strength and joy. You’re meant to be seen, heard and loved, fully asyou are. Living as who you were made to be is the single, most impactful way to a blessed, abundant life.
Live fully human, as you were made to be.
What do you want?
What do you want? ⋆
Step out from the shadows of your pain and hurt, and work through the lies that have held you captive.
Release and let go your past and your pain, and take hold of tools that can be the foundation for healing from shame and guilt.
We work to build confidence in yourself, and the mental muscles needed for strength, courage and discovery.
We all need guidance and support in life, and I’m here to share my wisdom and experiences from academics to entrepreneurship, to career.
You don’t have to walk alone, and I work with young adults to discover a future they’re lit up and excited about.
If you’re wondering where to go next in your professional path, and how to figure out exactly what your calling is.. this is it.
I’ve successfully started and grown businesses and teams, taking them from zero to international.
Things get real here - we craft a realistic business plan and strategy based on your available resources, and your growth plan for the next year.
Commit to business impact and growth, with measurable metrics and goals.
You are not alone.